Thursday, 27 October 2016

Tests tomorrow!

Today we met someone special who will be spending time in our classroom starting in November. We  will be having a student teacher and her name is Mrs. Ball. Today she came to meet us and see the school. She will be going back to her university until November and then she will be in our class for 5 weeks. Yesterday we made some predictions about her. Some of our thoughts were:
- she will be nice
- she will have short spiky hair
- she lives with her parents
- she will be helpful
- she plays hockey

Some things we learned about her today were:
- she is 29
- she is married
- she lives with her husband in Kensington
- she has a sister

We also wrote her letters telling her 3 interesting facts about ourselves and asking questions we were curious about.

We continued working on subtraction and subtraction strategies today. We reviewed the traditional algorithm, using adding to help us subtract, working left to right, using a tally mark chart and drawing base ten blocks. We reviewed the golden rule of subtraction: the bigger number always goes first! We talked about how important it is that we continue to work on our basic addition and subtraction skills to make sure we can work through more complicated questions. We will continue subtraction next week.

We have our spelling test tomorrow on our homophone words! Make sure you practice how to use the words properly and the definition of the word. Here are the words again:
1) there
2) their
3) they're
4) to
5) too
6) two
7) where
8) wear
9) were
10) some
11) sum

We were able to watch a band performance this afternoon from G.P. Vanier junior high. They were dressed up in costumers and played spooky music. One of our favorite songs was called "Ghosts in the Graveyard". We loved it when someone in the band let out a loud shrieking scream at the end.

Tomorrow we will also be having a science review test on things we learned in our hearing and sound unit. Some things that we reviewed today that you will need to know for the test include:
- the parts of the ear (outer ear, ear canal, ear drum, hammer, anvil, stirrup, cochlea, auditory nerve)
- conductors - Something to help guide sound. The sound will be louder and more clear. Some examples include: wood, metal, glass and tin foil
- absorbers - Help to make sounds softer and quieter. Some examples include fabric, cotton balls, styrofoam and stuffing
- amplifiers - Helps to funnel sound or carry sound so it is stronger and travels easily. Some examples include a megaphone and hearing aid
- sound waves 
- decibels - Measures how loud or quiet a sound is)
- pitch - the highness and lowness of a sound. The higher the pitch the closer sound waves will be together
- animal and human sounds examples
- why humans and animals make sounds (to communicate and to survive)
- what you learned from soundproofing
- the part of the body that helps us to talk (vocal cords)

Good luck studying!!

- Tonight is the Halloween dance from 6-8! Have fun!
- Spelling test tomorrow
- Science test tomorrow
- Black and orange day is Monday
- Please bring in an artifact to share about your family

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