Thursday, 13 October 2016

Evacuation Tomorrow

This morning we finished up our stations in science. We had to make sure that all of our questions we answered showed a deep understanding. Ms. Binks had us ask ourselves if we were a 1, 2, 3 or 4.
1 - our sheets were empty, we used the phrase "I don't know" or yes and no
2 - we had a few words written down, there is a basic explanation, we didn't explain the why
3 - we used sentences, we used some science terms, we started to explain the why, we started to explain our thinking
4 - we used sentences, we used science terms, we explained the why and the how, we explained a deep understanding and had connections

We were given partners and started brainstorming how to soundproof Ms. Binks's annoying alarm clock. It kept going off throughout the day to show us how loud the bells are. Tomorrow we will begin to create blueprints of what our soundproofing devices will look like. We are hoping that more students bring in items from home so we can also start building our designs tomorrow.

In math today we worked on ordering numbers. When you order numbers, you write a list of numbers either from least to greatest (smallest to biggest) or greatest to least (biggest to smallest). We talked about how when you order numbers it is similar to comparing numbers because you work left to right and figure out the value of the digits in a number. Ask me to order these numbers both ways:
5432, 1176, 2689, 8990, 3210, 7777, 9042, 4478

We had buddies today. We were very excited to read our books. Lots of us have started to take out "buddy books" from the library with our buddies in mind.

Tomorrow we will be having an evacuation practice to St. Bede's School. We will be leaving the school and walking to St. Bede's around 9:00 in the morning. We practice this just in case we need to leave the school for a fire drill or other safety reasons and need to be outside the building for a long period of time. A notice was sent home with students today with more information.

- Fun lunch orders are due Tuesday
- Book orders are due Tuesday
- Picture day is on Tuesday

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