Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Frayer Model

This morning we started talking about a new way that we can show our understandings across all subjects. It is called the Frayer model. We start off with an idea or a concept and then have to define it, write down it's characteristics, give examples and then give non-examples. Non-examples are things that do not meet the definition or criteria. We had lots of fun finding non-examples today. For example for the concept of water bottles we came up with the non-examples of:
- pencils
- bins
- sandwiches
- garbage cans
- a cat sitting on top of a cactus
- a cup
- a donkey
- a house
- my hand

We continued to work on multiplication by looking at multiplying by 4. We talked about the 2 rules for multiplying by 4:
1) The answer will always be an even number.
2) You double the number you are multiplying and then double that answer. For example for 4x9 you would do 9+9=18 and then 18+18=36

We also talked about 2 more strategies you can use when you are solving multiplication:
- turn around facts
- drawing pictures
For turn around facts we talked about how the order of the numbers in a multiplication question don't matter. So if I know the answer for 4 x 5 then I know what 5 x 4 is.
For drawing pictures we decided to use pizzas. The first number in the multiplication question is the amount of pizzas (groups) you should have. Once you have drawn your groups you then add your toppings (the amount each group has in it). Once you are finished your drawing you can count the toppings and find your answer. For example for the question 3 x 4, I would draw 3 pizzas with 4 toppings on each of the pizzas. When I counted up all the toppings I would find my answer of 12.

We continued to work on our projects for social studies. We are hoping to be finished by Friday.

- Report cards go home on Friday
- Pillars of Care assembly is on January 31 at 1:45

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