Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Quality of Life Cards

This morning we invited the other grade 4 classes to our room to brag....and to brainstorm tasks that they would have to complete because we brought in the most items for the veterans food bank. We decided the tasks should be around the pillars of care for showing care for others, place and learning. Some of our ideas for things students in the other class will have to do for us include:
- run our laps for us in gym
- read to us
- carry everything for us
- clean our classroom
- tie our shoes
- pick up garbage
- organize the bookshelves

We will be able to sit back and relax and enjoy being taken care of all next week. We did have a discussion about how important it is to still treat the other grade 4s with respect, compassion and kindness since we may be in their position at some point this year. We talked about how it was okay to jokingly brag today but that we shouldn't be saying or doing things to upset anyone.

This morning Mrs. Ball taught us a new science word (property) by having us complete sorting activities. We were separated into groups... all of which had cool rock names... and in our groups we had a bag of items that we had to sort using a rule. Once we had our rule we wrote it down and Mrs. Ball or Ms. Binks took a picture. Some of the ways to sort became more and more challenging. We talked about how we could sort items by: material, hardness, texture, length and colour. These are all examples of properties. Properties are the qualities or characteristics an item has. We will be applying what we learned about properties to classifying rocks and minerals.

We continued our work around data analysis today by using the data we collected yesterday from our questions to create pictographs. We reviewed how our pictograph needed to have a title, the categories, a legend or key and a symbol that represents the amount of people or answers. Today we worked on practicing when our symbol represents only one answer. We will be working towards using a symbol that represents more than one answers.

To build on our discussion around quality of life Ms. Binks put us into small groups that were representing a small country. She then gave us 24 cards that had different items on them that could be a part of quality of life. Some of the items included: clean air, hot and cold running water, car, family, friends, community sports, education, healthcare, protection from abuse and neglect and pets. We were told that our country only had enough resources and funds for 10 items to give our citizens good quality of life. In our groups we had to choose 10 cards. It was interesting to see how not one group's answers were exactly the same. Most groups had items like clean water, clean air, nutritious food and healthcare included in their 10 items. We talked about the discussion that went into making the decision for the 10 items. We will be doing a follow up activity with this tomorrow.

- No school Friday
- Fun lunch orders are due next Tuesday

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