Today we created a rubric to use to help guide us in our animal research projects. We created a list of ideas that would earn marks of either 1, 2, 3 or 4 based on how much information we gather, how organized we are in our research books, how our presentation looks and how we speak and act during our presentation. We found that by doing this rubric, we could see where we would land and push ourselves to achieve a higher mark. For example, lots of us thought we were done the research process until realizing we would only earn and 1 or 2 on the rubric. This allowed us to go back and find more information so we can earn a 3 or 4. Ms. Binks would like students to research at home if needed so that we can move forward with our projects.
In math we continued our work with fractions. We ordered fractions by determining if they would be closer to 0, 1/2 or 1 on a number line. To do this, we looked at the denominator and created a number line or chocolate bar with that many sections. To find the halfway point we divided the denominator by 2. 1 would be the same numerator and denominator. We then plotted our fractions on our number line. Ask me to show you if the following fractions are closer to 0, 1/2 or 1:
a) 5/6, 1/6, 3/6
b) 8/10, 4/10, 1/10
This afternoon Ms. L (our student teacher) gave a presentation on howler monkeys. She has travelled to Belize to study the black howler monkey. She used the same information that we need to during our research in her presentation. We even were able to see videos she took of the monkeys in the rainforest. We had a contest to see who could make the loudest and best howler monkey noise. It was pretty funny!
This afternoon we had 3 notices go home...
The first one is about the Calgary Humane Society presentation that we will be having next week. Please return the bottom half of the form along with the $4.00 by Friday. If you need financial support please contact the office.
We sent home permission forms for our human sexuality course that we will be doing in June. In grade 4, students learn about the physical, emotional and social changes that occur during puberty. Students need to have permission to complete this health course. If you would prefer your child learn this information at home, they will complete curricular activities in a different classroom during the lesson. Please return the form stating whether your child has permission by Monday June 5.
My CBE account forms were sent home with instructions of how to set up the My CBE account for next year. Please make sure that the form you receive has your child's name on it.
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