Monday, 10 April 2017

Seed Survivor

We have finally filled our marble jar!! We decided to have another movie afternoon as a reward. We will be voting on movies to watch tomorrow.

This morning we had a special presentation from Seed Survivor. Some of us were familiar with it since it was also at Aggie Days. We were split into groups and were taught about the components of soil that are very important for plants to grow or we were able to play games all about healthy plants, crops and the water cycle. At the end of the presentation each of us were given a sunflower seed that we planted. Here is the Seed Survivor website if you would like to play the games online at home or get some growing tips for your sunflower: Seed Survivor

We continued to read Mission Mumbai today. The chapter was a little hectic and scary because the movie theatre that Dylan, Rohit and the Lals were in caught on fire during a blackout. Dylan was almost trampled in the crowd, but Rohit came back to save him. In doing so, they became separated from Rohit's parents. We are all hoping that they can become reunited in the upcoming chapters.

In science this afternoon we were given a task of trying to build a study and tall wall using dominos. We were put into groups and had to come up with a way to stack our dominos like bricks to build the tallest wall. Only 2 groups were able to build a wall that was higher than 50 blocks. The next task we had to do, was build the wall using the same design until it was stable. Then Ms. Binks came around and knocked the desks we built on to see which design remained standing. We discovered that the walls that used flat dominos were the most stable because the base was the widest. We talked about how when a structure has a stable and wide base, it makes the structure stronger and more stable.

- Book orders are due Thursday
- Library tomorrow. Please return your books
- Flower fundraiser forms due next week
- Book drive forms sent home today

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